Revista de Gestão & Tecnologia 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Renann Pereira Gama Open Journal Systems <p>Revista publicada pelo UNISAL (Unidade Lorena - campus São Joaquim) de caráter científico e acadêmico em formato exclusivamente eletrônico na qual publica artigos originais que apresentem resultados de estudos ou pesquisas nas áreas de Produção, Gestão, Qualidade, Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação.</p><p><strong>Conheça o Equipe Editorial desta Revista <a href="/lo/index.php/reget/about/editorialTeam">clicando aqui</a></strong></p> PRODUCTION PROCESS OF AN AUTOMOTIVE EXHAUST 2017-11-30T16:55:27+00:00 Tatiane Ribeiro Santos Adriele Seabra Alison Pereira Maria Aparecida Moreira Mariane Pereira <em>The main goal of this article is to illustrate all the steps needs to produce an automotive exhaust system. The exhaust system is of extreme importance to the vehicle, since it reduces the noise created by the ignition of the gases and improves the vehicle’s performance. To better comprehend the product, all the components that compose the set were presented, their functions with tables and flowcharts. Moreover, the variables were essential to elaborate the process being presented the exhaust system, its functionality, its deterioration and the attention needed for this product. The article approaches the components that compose the set by breaking down the machines and process done to create the exhaust from raw material until shipping</em> 2016-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Industrial Maintenance Management: Methods and Tools for Increasing Reliability 2017-11-30T16:55:27+00:00 IGOR ALEXANDRE FIORAVANTE Aracelli Martins de Freitas Fioravante José Wilson Jesus silva Rosinei Batista Ribeiro <em>This article aims to apply and present a bibliographic review by demonstrating methods and tools to increase reliability, basing its relationship with concepts of availability and maintainability in industrial maintenance management, contributing for competitiveness increase in organizations. It starts by reviewing concepts related to definition of maintenance, methods and tools applied to increase the reliability in maintenance management, explain what is reliability, availability and maintainability and its relation with the maintenance function, finally, it is conceptualized the good practices of maintenance and FMEA, relating the competitiveness of an organization and its maintenance function.</em> 2016-12-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) PRODUCTION PROCESS – BODY IN WHITE 2017-11-30T16:55:27+00:00 Andre Moreira Anderson Souza Felipe Pinheiro Renan Vieira Vitor Ataíde Waldir Júnior This article aims to disclose the production process of Body in White. This article illustrates beyond the steps of the production of the body of a car, but also, some definitions about the theme in hand, the machines, the equipment and the raw material used in the process. The development of a productive process goes beyond simple research and concepts, which requires a high level of knowledge, experience, and group work. The Body in White is the beginning for every remaining assembly of a car, your specifications and precisions are of upmost importance 2016-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTATION OF QUICK SETUP IN A THREE-DIMENSIONAL MACHINE CASE STUDY IN AN AEROSPACE METALLURGY INDUSTRY 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Fábio Marcondes Tiago Capucho <em>The reduction of the time in the Rapid Tool Exchange (TRF) aims beyond the objective of reducing the preparation time (or setup) of the equipment, reducing non productive periods inside the factory floor. Bringing as a consequence, the reduction of the size of the production batches in the manufacture. The rapid exchange of tools is based on techniques where cooperative team work is of paramount importance to develop suggestions for creative ways of improving processes. This article presents a methodological proposal for the rapid exchange of tools, where the following steps are available: Define which project will be introduced; Planning of the activities to be developed; Training of the deployment team, monitoring, consolidation on the deployment itself. About the case study was developed in the aerospace metallurgy industry and illustrates the proposed methodology</em> 2016-12-27T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) MANUFACTURING PROCESSES APPLIED TO THE STEEL WHEELS PRODUCTION. 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Leandro Romão Nogueira Cristian O Dias Flavio M Rebello Larissa A Lopes Priscila S Garuti Pablo R Antunes <div><p class="Abstract">This study has the objective to introduce the detailed manufacturing process to the steel wheels production, showing the most important tools, as the Technical Specifications, Process Flowchart, Control Plan, Process FMEA, Equipment and Tooling and Layout of Production Line.</p><p class="Abstract">In this study were addressed the definitions about the manufacturing processes used to the steel wheels production, in other words, Lamination, Flash Butt Welding, Mig-Mag Welding, Stamping, Machining and Phosphating.</p></div> 2016-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) FMEA APPLIED AT SAFETY WORKS MANAGEMENT – A CASE STUDY 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Henrique C Sampaio Marillane MS Marciano <p><span lang="EN-US"><span style="font-size: medium;">This paper presents a method that aims to put the management of occupational hazards in optimization models of production processes. The use of the proposed tool seeks both to reduce the frequency with which accidents happen as to minimize the severity of these accidents. The tool also assesses the probability of potential accidents aiming to reduce them. The genesis of this work is an issue of practical research, which seeks the interaction of production and safety, where he implemented the FMEA tool (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) with the focus on the management of occupational hazards, under the mapping production flow. The activity was considered the modification in a cutting plasma area in a metallurgical company. The application of FMEA tool focused on safety was conducted following methodological procedures for the use of the tool by applying risk analysis concepts aimed at eliminating the causes that could potentially result in accidents. Finally, it was found that the integrated approach using this quality tool with focus on security is a viable alternative for organizations that seek to evaluate the various failure modes that may occur during a process, may cause accidents to workers, so the use of the tool can evaluate the risks and prevent accidents.</span></span></p> 2016-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS IN A EDUCATIONAL BUILDING 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Marcela T Oliveira Henrique C Sampaio José N Salvador Júnior <p><span lang="EN-US"><span style="font-size: medium;">This work consists in the study of the economical feasibility in the use of a photovoltaic system, connected to the electric grid. In order to encourage the use of alternative energies, such as solar energy, the parameters for the installation of a photovoltaic system in the educational building of the Salesian University Center of São Paulo, São Joaquim campus in Lorena, are analyzed and calculated. The bibliographic content, presented in the first chapters, corroborates with data specific to the area of electrical engineering and autonomous energy generation the efficiency of this method of generating energy. In the third chapter, calculations and data analysis of the study site are carried out for the design of the electrical system. Finally, the fourth chapter concludes the case study, referring to the economy that the generation system may provide, related to the initial investment payback.</span></span></p><p> </p> 2016-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) SEMESTER INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS APPLIED IN A INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING GRADUATION 2017-11-30T16:55:28+00:00 Lúcio G Veraldo Jr Benedito M Almeida Paulo F Barbosa Neto <p><strong><em><span style="font-size: small;">: </span></em></strong><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;">To include interdisciplinary projects in the learning process provides a development to the students that goes beyond the acquired knowledge and develops the expected competencies for the profession according to the proposal of each project. This article, developed in a private higher education institution in Brazilian </span><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;">avant-garde</span><span style="font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: small;"> in use of active methodology in teaching applied to the production engineering graduation, presents the Project Led Education (PLE), teaching methodology that through a project, integrates disciplines of a specific school year. The projects, distributed over the first eight semesters of the course are described with their contributions of each discipline respectively and the used evaluation process highlights the importance of application the projects in relation to the general curriculum of the course, and besides, to leave suggestions for future research proposals.</span></p><p> </p> 2016-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)