• Cleginaldo Pereira Carvalho Universidade de São Paulo-EEL-USP Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo-UNISAL


In the globalized market, companies, in order to become more competitive, need to reduce their costs. One way to reduce costs is direct related to labor through the operation automation, mainly, those that do not aggregate value to the final product such as parts’ handling.

With the popularization of microcontrollers, the robotic unit construction became more economically viable. The construction of a robot involves the usage of related concepts with hardware, software and mechanical work, which need to be integrated through a microcontroller to coordinate the robot’s peripheries. This paper developed a project and the assembly of a small robot controlled remotely, utilizing an Arduino platform, capable of completing manual tasks. Besides the multidisciplinary aspect, the project solidifies countless concepts of computer aided manufacturing.



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Tecnologia e Ciência