• José Lourenço Junior UNISAL Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo
  • Messias Borges Silva UNESP


This paper aims to present information relating to the levels of Lean Production practice in continuous manufacturing, particularly among manufacturers of electric conductors. It proposes to identify the motivations that led these companies to search for the model and to understand the role of tools and techniques employed in this manufacturing environment so different from the automotive industries where the concept originated. This article presents the results of a descriptive exploratory survey with manufacturers of electric conductors (electrical distribution and transmission wire and cables) in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The results suggest that the adoption in the electric conductor industries still requires a more significant evolution both in the dissemination of ideas and the customization of the applicable tools. On the other hand, the paper provides empirical insights and contributes to fulfilling an identified need to study Lean Production in continuous manufacturing


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