Standards for publication in the Journal

Standards for publication in the Journal Law & Peace

The Journal Law & Peace is a journal institutionally supported by the Research and Post-Graduation Program of the Salesian University Center of São Paulo/UNISAL that is open to the academic community and destined to the publication of papers that, through their content, may contribute to the scientific formation and development, besides the upgrade in knowledge in the specific area of Law.

The publications must contain papers of the following character:

1 Original and unpublished papers, written by DOCTORS, which embrace theoretical and/or practical approaches.

2 Translations of texts not available in Portuguese that constitute fundaments to the Journal’s area of interest and contribute to the academic reflection.

3 Summaries of relevant productions that can keep the academic community informed of the advance in studies in the legal area.

For the publication of papers, the originals will be evaluated by experts (Ph.D. professors) through the double blind peer review system and their report will be certified by the Editorial Board of the Journal with respect to the formal aspects, being communicated to the author(s) afterwards.

The Editorial Board of the Journal has the attribution to select the papers based on these standards and watch over the respect for the editorial line. The Editor in Chief will forward the texts for evaluation to two or more experts duly registered and carefully elected according to the theme and the occupation area.

The submission of originals to the Journal must meet the following criteria:

- The papers forwarded for evaluation must be submitted directly to the system through the link and they must be in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards. They must not contain the authors’ identification, since they will be evaluated through the double-blind peer review system, recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel.

- The papers approved for publication must necessarily contain title in both Portuguese and English; the author’s(s’) name(s), identifying in footnotes the qualification and the institution to which they belong; as well as abstract in both Portuguese and English (maximum of five lines), followed by their corresponding keywords.

- The author(s) take(s) responsibility for both the grammar review (ortographic) of the complete texts and the submission of the translation of the title, the abstract and the keywords in English.

- The author(s) must register in the system, informing the complete name, the academic degree, institutional filiation, professional occupation, address and e-mail address.

- The papers must be forwarded within the following formatting: a copy in text editor Word for Windows 6.0 or higher; minimum of fifteen and maximum of twenty pages for articles (including the abstract), ten pages for communications and summaries; it must be used the font Times New Roman, size 12.

- The text must be written with spacing ½, the citations must be made in the body text in author-date system, according to the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, and the references must be written at the end of the text.

 The submission of papers to the system characterizes the cession of the copyrights to the Journal Law & Peace, enabling, thus, the text formatting, its use or reproduction as quotations by interested readers, with the proper reference to the source (authorship).

 The papers published in the Journal Law & Peace represent their authors’ points of view and not the official position of the vehicle or the Salesian University Center of São Paulo/UNISAL.


 Prof. Maria Aparecida Alkimim, Sc.D.

Coordinator of the LL.M. Degree Program of the Salesian University Center of São Paulo

Prof. Pablo Jiménez Serrano, Sc.D.

Editor in Chief