• Cleginaldo Pereira Carvalho UNISAL-Lorena



The companies working in the business world are contracted by even more demanding clients. To assure their stay in the market it is necessary to be in constant adaptation and to apply improvements in the usage of both practically and modally, independently of which field of work. During the development of this work, both theoretical and comparative analyses were solidified from studied concepts and the real application of working routines in a general manner. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness to market professionals the importance of incorporating the continuous Improvement Process, through the Kaizen methodology, which consists of waste disposal based on common sense, the use of low-cost implementation solutions that draw on the motivation and creativity of employees to improve the practice of their processes and thus obtaining successful cases. The methodology used was literature searches, including books, dissertations, articles and successful cases performed in companies. The objective is to show the importance of Kaizen and know their strategies in the company. From the hypothesis that competition between companies is increasingly fierce and with globalization the current market became more competitive and has made it clear that the world is constantly changing. Through this work it was found that the Kaizen adds much in companies suffering from waste, so this work is intended to show successful cases that can help observe the earnings of companies with low implementation cost.



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