• João Vitor Andrade Miranda
  • Lucas Willian Nogueira Gonçalves UNISAL
  • Lucio Garcia Veraldo Junior UNISAL (Lorena); UNESP (Guaratinguetá)


The present article is will present an implementation of a quality tool that uses as programming based on data of an very useful program known as Excel. The implementation was made on a determinate industry of clothes which is characterized by the model of the society as small industry, situated on the south of Minas Gerais, whose nome is WF Uniforms. The main point is to reduce the time spend on the production and the cost of the rework ono vestments with problems , was applied an tool where was tested the control on a stastical level , for that , all the clothes that presents an issue they were classified in levels and different weights according to the rework , so we can measure the time wasted to rebuild the piece of clothes and also the cost of the rework , than removing a certain amount of money in determinate part charged by the tertiary industry for providing products with a high indicator level of rework  for each piece that present an level of issue. Consequently the use of the efficient tool could be a significant drop the rate of clothes that are defective and can thus save some money that is used for the cost of rework and redirect the money elsewhere in the company, along with the time that would be lost in the process, now can be used to produce more , allowing maximize profit even more. In other words both the customer and the company will haves satisfied results because both parties will benefit from the application of the tool, than the client will have a quality piece and the company will be able to save time and money in the process.

Biografía del autor/a

João Vitor Andrade Miranda
Lucio Garcia Veraldo Junior, UNISAL (Lorena); UNESP (Guaratinguetá)


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Gestão e Qualidade