• Henrique C Sampaio Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo-UNISAL
  • Marillane MS Marciano Centro Universitário Salesiano de São Paulo-UNISAL


This paper presents a method that aims to put the management of occupational hazards in optimization models of production processes. The use of the proposed tool seeks both to reduce the frequency with which accidents happen as to minimize the severity of these accidents. The tool also assesses the probability of potential accidents aiming to reduce them. The genesis of this work is an issue of practical research, which seeks the interaction of production and safety, where he implemented the FMEA tool (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) with the focus on the management of occupational hazards, under the mapping production flow. The activity was considered the modification in a cutting plasma area in a metallurgical company. The application of FMEA tool focused on safety was conducted following methodological procedures for the use of the tool by applying risk analysis concepts aimed at eliminating the causes that could potentially result in accidents. Finally, it was found that the integrated approach using this quality tool with focus on security is a viable alternative for organizations that seek to evaluate the various failure modes that may occur during a process, may cause accidents to workers, so the use of the tool can evaluate the risks and prevent accidents.


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Gestão e Qualidade