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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The LL.M. Degree Program of the Salesian University Center of São Paulo/UNISAL of Lorena exists since 2006, having been responsible for the formation of a large number of researchers and professors in the region. Its concentration area is the "Implementation of the Diffuse and Collective Social Rights". This way, it supports the Journal Law & Peace, which was classified by the Qualis/CAPES System 2017 as B1, as a vehicle of scientific production of the concentration area.


The Coordination of the Master’s Degree Program and the Editorial Board of the Journal have the grateful pleasure to inform the "CALL FOR PAPERS" for the numbers 42 and 43 to be published in July and December 2020 is open, with themes that are linked to the following Lines of Research: 1- Social, Economic and Cultural Rights; 2- Rights of Diffuse and Collective Ownership.


Given the proximity of the publication, we ask those interested to submit the articles until April 5th, 2020.


The submission of originals to the Journal must meet the following criteria:


- The papers forwarded for evaluation must attend to the following requirements: the author’s(s’) minimum academic degree (DOCTOR), be original, unpublished and submitted directly to the system through the link: http://revista.unisal.br/lo/index.php/direitoepaz/ user/register. Likewise, besides the specific rules of the Journal, which are attached, they must be in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, and, since they will be evaluated through the double-blind peer review system, recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, they must not contain the authors’ identification.


- The papers approved for publication must necessarily contain title in both Portuguese and English; the author’s(s’) name(s), identifying in footnotes the qualification and the institution to which they belong; as well as abstract in both Portuguese and English (maximum of five lines), followed by their corresponding keywords.


- The author(s) take(s) responsibility for both the grammar review (ortographic) of the complete texts and the submission of the translation of the title, the abstract and the keywords in English.

- The papers must be forwarded within the following formatting: a copy in text editor Word for Windows 6.0 or higher; minimum of fifteen and maximum of twenty pages for articles (including the abstract), ten pages for communications and summaries; it must be used the font Times New Roman, size 12.


- It is also required that the citations be made in the body text (author-date system), according to the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, and the bibliographic references be written at the end of the text.


The Journal Law & Peace reserves itself the copyright of the work published, including its translation, allowing, however, its subsequent reproduction as quotation with the proper reference to the source.


Note: Questions or elucidations may be addressed to the editor in chief (Prof. Pablo Jiménez Serrano, Sc.D.), e-mail address: metodologo2001@yahoo.com.br, or to the Coordination of the Master’s Degree Program, e-mail address: ms_direito@lo.unisal.br.





Prof. Pablo Jiménez Serrano, Sc.D.

Editor in Chief

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