LGPD - A Technology-Agnostic Perspective
The implementation of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) requires a comprehensive technical and organizational approach. This article highlights various technology tools that play a crucial role in LGPD compliance and personal data management. Among these tools are Personal Data Management Systems (DMS) for cataloging and monitoring information, anonymization and pseudonymization tools to safeguard data subject privacy, consent and preference platforms, as well as encryption solutions and auditing systems. Furthermore, the article explores how advanced techniques like Big Data and Machine Learning can be employed to enhance LGPD compliance. It also addresses the significance of privacy by design and the intersection between LGPD and electronic discovery (eDiscovery), providing a comprehensive overview of available tools and technologies for safeguarding personal data in an ever-evolving digital landscape. The exploratory and descriptive documentary methodology was adopted, using the hypothetical-deductive method
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