Compliance of request and grant of grants of rights to use water resources for irrigation and the effectiveness of water legislation in the state of Rio Grande do Sul
Water is essential for the development of human activities and its sustainable management is an unquestionable imperative, especially in regions where agriculture plays a crucial role in economic development. This article aims to analyze compliance in the use of water resources for irrigation and requests for water use permits. In view of this, the problem that guides the investigation is based on the following question: What is the effectiveness of the legislation in force in the State of Rio Grande do Sul regarding compliance in the use of water resources for irrigation, considering the process of requesting and granting a grant of water use? To this end, the deductive approach method was used, considering that it starts from the general view of the use of water resources, to the reality of the State of Rio Grande do Sul regarding requests for granting the use of water for irrigation. Combined with this methodological framework, the monographic procedure method was used with a case study research technique, considering that data from the annual report on the situation of water resources in the State of Rio Grande do Sul for the year 2022 was analyzed, issued by the State Government, in order to find data that answered the research problem. From the study carried out, there is a low rate of regularization of water use for irrigation, despite the legislation that addresses compliance in water use being broad and robust. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that legislation alone is not sufficient to guarantee effectiveness in terms of water use compliance. The challenge lies in expanding technical support for the system and effective supervision.
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