
Western civilization, especially modernity, bequeathed to contemporary society the democratic regime, which today is threatened by the emergence of authoritarianism and populism in several countries such as Russia, Turkey and Brazil. In view of this national and international context, this article pursued the objective of examining some of the theoretical and historical contributions to the formation of modern democracy. Thus, some political conceptions of the main modern political thinkers were investigated in bibliographic research. It also highlighted the analysis of democratic principles and values, as well as historical events that convert, even if partially, some of the democratic ideals, such as the Glorious Revolution, the Independence of the United States and the French Revolution. We started from the working hypothesis that modern democracy, even if shaken, keeps principles and values ​​that still have the potential to last, even if renewed in the 21st century.

Author Biography

João Marcelo Barbosa Ribeiro Dantas, Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB - Doutorado em Direito

Lawyer and university professor. He is a regular student of the Doctoral Course in Law at the University Center of Brasília (UniCEUB). Graduated in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Graduated in Law from Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB. He holds a postgraduate degree in Public Law from the Processus Institute. He holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the University of Brasília. He was a professor at the Philosophy Course and the Law Course at the Catholic University of Brasília, the Law Course at UniCEUB, the University Center of the Federal District (UDF), the University Center Projection (UniProjection) and the University Center ICESP (UnICESP), also exercising, in these last three institutions, the positions of Coordination Assistant and Coordinator of the Law Course. He was a member of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of UniCEUB and ICESP. He is currently Coordinator of the Law Course at the ICESP University Center. He has over 25 (twenty-five) years of teaching experience and research in the area of ​​Philosophy and Law, with an emphasis on Ethics, Political Philosophy and Law, acting mainly on the following themes: Habermasian discourse ethics, philosophy of law Habermas, Human Rights Foundation. He also teaches propaedeutic subjects, such as Political Science and technical-legal subjects, such as Public International Law and Human Rights.

