Digital unionism

Restoring Democracy and Reconnecting Workers and Trade Unions

  • Saulo Nunes de Almeida Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá (UniCatólica)
Keywords: basic consumer rights, animal rights, consumer vulnerability, accomplishment of fundamental rights


The debate on the internal democratization of trade unions has always been limited by being focused exclusively on one front, that is, the long awaited union reform. We intend to offer an alternative view, approaching the problem from another perspective, leaving the hypothetical field of freedom of association and focusing more on the already consolidated union autonomy. The present article, adopting a methodology based on the bibliographical and documentary analysis, has as main objective to present an alternative way to the democratization of the unions, based on a meeting of phenomena not yet studied together in the scope of collective labor law. As a conclusive hypothesis, we present the potential advances that can be experienced by the trade union movements when they join the advances in the field of information and communication technology (ICT), towards what can be understood as Digital Syndicalism.

Author Biography

Saulo Nunes de Almeida, Centro Universitário Católica de Quixadá (UniCatólica)

Doutor e Mestre em Direito Constitucional nas Relações Privadas pela Universidade de Fortaleza - UNIFOR. Pós-Doutorado em Direito na Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - UNICAP. Pós-Doutorado em Direito na Universidade de Fortaleza. Professor da UNICATÓLICA de Quixadá e da UNIFANOR. Coordenador Operacional do Doutorado Interinstitucional em Direito UNICAP/UNICATÓLICA. Editor da Revista Direito & Desenvolvimento da UNICATÓLICA de Quixadá.
