Approaches and discrepancies between the brazilian proposal and the international strategic approach to governance of chemical risks

  • Diana Mafalda Colombelli Faé Universidade Comunitária do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Unochapecó
  • Reginaldo Pereira UNOCHAPECÓ, Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Keywords: Social and Environmental Risks, Chemical substances, Governance, Regulation


Companies in the chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors have been prominent in any ranking of mega corporations since the mid-20th century. In addition, other industrial sectors are significantly dependent on inputs and raw materials produced by chemical companies. The economic importance of the sector is accompanied by a series of catastrophic environmental accidents and countless negative externalities. In order to contain the high level of environmental degradation caused by chemicals, the High Level Declaration, the Global Strategy Policy and the Global Action Plan of the Strategic Approach to the International Management of Chemicals (SAICM) were developed. It is justified by the importance of the chemical industry to the economy of any country or economic bloc and by its potential risks. In Brazil, the governance of the risks and hazards of chemical substances is being outlined by Bill 6120/2019, which, in addition to being inspired by the international approach, is the result of years of work and discussions carried out by government sectors and non-state actors. of interest that compiled the results of the studies in the documents that guide the National Chemical Safety Policy and in the draft bills. The purpose of this article is to verify similarities and discrepancies between the two governance models. The research is analytical, guided by the deductive method and uses literature review and document analysis as research techniques.

Author Biographies

Diana Mafalda Colombelli Faé, Universidade Comunitária do Oeste de Santa Catarina - Unochapecó

Graduanda em Direito (UNOCHAPECÓ). Bolsista Uniedu. Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Direito, Democracia e Participação Cidadã (UNOCHAPECÓ).

Reginaldo Pereira, UNOCHAPECÓ, Chapecó, SC, Brasil

Doutor em Direito (UFSC). Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito (UNOCHAPECÓ). Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa Direito, Democracia e Participação Cidadã (UNOCHAPECÓ). Membro da Rede de Pesquisa Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente (RENANOSOMA).


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