Rivisiting the fundamentation of pluralism in the communitarian perspective
With a focus on pluralism, this paper will turn to two communitarians, Michael Sandel and Michael Walzer, situating the work of each one and verifying, in each case, how to reconcile belonging to a community due to common traits among its members, the precedence of community interests over individual interests, and the respect for plural and different views inside the community. Further on, and in an analytically manner, some of the criticisms traditionally directed at communitarianism will be verified, notably those traced by Georgia Warnke to Walzer's position. The final objective of this revision paper is to verify how the philosophical-political perspectives of Michael Sandel and Michael Walzer can contribute to the construction of a theoretical framework that allows one to think about pluralism without this implying leaving aside the common values of a given society or even rejecting communitarianism altogether.
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