Culture and diversity in the public policies of the capitalist system
contributions of Franz Boas' theory
The capitalist system, according to Karl Marx's theory, can be understood succinctly as a socioeconomic organization based on the system of exchange/purchase of labor power, not which aims at added value, that is, guarantee of profit from the labor exploitation. The public policies that guided such an economic system, recognizing and valuing cultural diversity, began to disseminate proposals that occupied a prominent place in the governments of the last three decades of the twentieth century. The article aims to understand and demonstrate the importance of cultural anthropology and its influence on public policies, theorized from the conceptions of Franz Boas, in addition to exposing this author's contributions to the relationship between culture and education. The article also seeks to discuss the role that the concept of culture assumed in the capitalist system by justifying the reasons that generate inequalities and conflicts. As a result, with regard to the thought of Franz Boas, it is observed that, despite not considering negative issues as determinants in social relations and conditions, he contributed with advances that were important for addressing social issues within a society which has culture as the basis of reflections in relation to its development. It was possible to conclude that, the melody given to culture and cultural diversity in recent years was a way for the capitalist system to remain in conformity with the status quo that it establishes.
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