
This article revises literature regarding the portability of resources, which constitute social security savings of the migrant workers who live regular and permanently or temporarily in Southern Common Market region. Based on an intuitive approach, resulting from a reality critical theory, the study starts debating migratory process and human development, which demands mobilizing internal and external savings, in order to finance their insured benefits. For this reason, Social Security International Conventions and Treaties – to be ratified by two or more signatory countries – should to guarantee the portability of social security benefits through simplifying the transference of resources and protecting the rights of MERCOSUR’s migrants. Social security is not only important to build a more equal and fair society, but is also a social right protected by public authorities/law that enhance the economic, financial and social development of a country.

Author Biographies

Joedson de Souza Delgado, University Center of Brasília – UniCEUB and Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency – Anvisa

Master in Law at the University Center of Brasília – UniCEUB; Expert in Administrative Law at the Public Law Institute of Brasília – IDP; Bachelor in Administration at the University of Brasília – UnB; Bachelor in Law at University Center of the Brazilia Federal District – UDF; and Public servant at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency â€“ Anvisa

Aline Roberta Halik, University of Brasília - UnB and Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC

Master's Degree in Accounting Sciences at the University of Brasília - UnB; Bachelor in Accounting and Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT; Servant of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications - MCTIC.
