Judicial process of blockchain technology for people with dual handicapped
The present work presents throughout its text the discussion about the legal treatment of people with disabilities and emphasizes the protection of the Law in the face of the double diagnosis. It was observed throughout the project that there are many legislative mechanisms that seek to ensure the human dignity of people with disabilities, however their practical applicability is insufficient and there will still be many mishaps and the material and procedural defense of the person with double disability proves to be just at the beginning. In short, the Statute of Persons with Disabilities is one of the most important normative regulatory instruments of this protection. Relate the tutored difficulty to the reality of technology, especially blockchain, and changes in society and in the population under study. In this way, the methodology used to resolve the issues raised was the use of a bibliographical survey so that, through induction, a logical and true opinion could be reached. In addition, possible alternatives were sought to solve the problem addressed, precisely the lack of protection for people with a dual diagnosis, and its relationship with blockchain technology, with the aim of bringing greater effectiveness to the research in question.
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